SoundBounce by Lios

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Train Noise - Barrier to Next Generation Travel

The role of transportation in the race to a sustainable future has always been a hot topic, and that is even more the case following the recent IPCC report. How we move people and goods around our cities, countries, and the world needs to be efficient, eco-friendly, and affordable. This is no small challenge. 

Around three quarters of the EU population live in urban areas today, and that figure is expected to increase in the coming decades. Vehicles take up a majority of land area in European cities, between roads and the space dedicated to parking. In contrast, rail has a small footprint relative to the volume of passengers it can accommodate on the network at any given time. Rail travel is highly suited to meet the transport needs of the future as the world is trending towards more urbanised societies. 

Trains can take large numbers of passengers on local trips, reducing the need for cars, and long journeys, reducing dependence on airplanes. Upgrading existing networks to high speed rail, and adding new networks, will play an important role in sustainable transportation in the coming decades. 

Trains are becoming safer, faster, and more technically advanced. They undoubtedly form a key role in the future of transportation. But a major challenge remains in the form of noise and vibration. Noise is particularly a concern where rail networks are expanding to greater distances and higher speeds. 

The two main noise considerations are for the passengers travelling on the train and for the residents who live along the train tracks. Noise can be generated by the engines, vibration, braking, squeal noise in bends in the track, vehicle coupling, the list goes on. 

Rail freight causes the highest volumes of noise and is not just a major inconvenience for residents, but can also be a health issue. 

Loss of sleep due to noise exposure has a significant impact on health. It can cause high blood pressure, stress, cardiovascular issues, and even heart attacks. It puts the whole body under stress and this is clearly a barrier to broad expansion of rail networks, and high speed rail in particular. 

In many European countries the discussion about railway noise has become critical as rail transport increases. It plays an important role in sustainable transportation. It is clear that innovative solutions to all the forms of noise emissions in rail networks are essential to unlocking the potential of train travel in Europe and beyond.